Liz Did you like the wall picture in TRIAL OF BILLY RANHALT?

GHOSTS OF PETRA is now live and you can get through Amazon.com or Authorhous.com or just about any othere WEB book store or ordered at others.

Ghosts of Petra is now out.

Hello from Clifford D. Cope. My GHOSTS OF PETRA is now out and live. They don’t say: BOO

Trial of Billy Ranhalt

Gulf War Syndrome is a big topic in the United States. During the infancy of the evaluations, I listened to many Desert Storm veterans who had unexplained illnesses. Many veterans are suffering and have a choice to either make decisions that will make their life better or to continue to punish themselves for wrongs for which they are not responsible. Studies have evaluated Gulf War illness such as DAV Magazine, “Study Finds: Gulf War Illness is Real” by Thom Wilborn in the January/February 2009 issue. My own suffering inspired Billy Ranhalt’s character. The story line flowed and came to me daily. Getting the story written down cleansed me and hopefully will inspire other disable veterans that they can get on with life and have many more things to accomplish. In this blog I will give you little nuggets into Billy’s struggles and assist you in understanding why things turned out the way they did.